Taking Time Away

I’ve reached a critical moment in my life. No one responds to me anymore. I’ve tried posting things to Facebook, instagram, and youtube but there’s no engagement there. I’ve downloaded an app on my phone known as Befriend, which I’ve gone without using for about five years. A week ago someone added me there as a “friend”. But the problem with that is, when I message someone, I get instantly rejected. I’ve known hardships in life though. You can’t simply say a thing or a few things and get accepted. The slightest remark that’s not purely perfect gets people riled up, offended, or worse and they don’t want to hear from you ever again. Too bad that I spent my early days at the airport sometimes, which I really regret; seeing all of those people and then they’re all gone is truly and remarkably traumatic for me as an emotional type. So I’m away from the social world.

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